the Funhouse, the Slaughterhouse

the Funhouse, the Slaughterhouse

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The all-seeing eye leggings

so i've been having a week off school, it's winter holiday time in Finland. i got too bored though and decided i could try out this one thing. everybody knows the Actual Pain baphomet leggings that many people have. i wanted a pair of cool leggings as well but thought the baphomet logo was too plain, and not to mention, those leggings are damn expensive. so i went to a store, bought normal black leggings and decided to print them myself.

i have always been interested in the all-seeing eye, the symbol of eye inside a triangle. i was reading a bit about the symbol, and i decided i want to use this symbol in my "occult pants". i put the eye upside down and added a upside down cross to it. now everyone can decide themselves, is this totally ridiculous or not. in my opinion the picture looks good and that's it. i'm not a spiritual person at all. i wear things i like and that's it....

making the stencil for this print was a pain. it was really hard and took a long time. but i ended up with a nice stencil after all, so i was able to start printing. i used a ready made screen that was way too loose, so it was a bit difficult to work with. but i ended up with nice prints, and i'm happy with my work.

i hope i'll get better pictures some day. the print is placed higher on the leg than what it looks in this picture, i was in a hurry and wasn't wearing the leggings as they should be (i have no idea how to wear leggings wrong... :DDD )

SO YEAH that's it. i'm calling my leggings ACTUALLY VAIN leggings just because.

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